My X5 needs new headlights. The low beam xenon socket bowls are shot basically. Light output is pretty sad especially if its raining. I bought night breaker xenon bulbs which are the best you can buy and they did put out more light but with the sockets being damaged with age I wasn’t getting near the light projected forward as I should be getting.
Since you cant take the active headlights apart that I have without major surgery I opted for another approach.
First I installed headlight led bulbs in my driving lights. These are two times brighter than my xenons on low beam so that solved the low beam problem. But when you go to high beam the driving lights turn off and they don’t project far enough to help with the high beam issue anyway. So keeping them on wouldn’t of solved the problem.
This led me to noticing that if I pulled the dimmer stalk on the steering column it activated the dormant high beam lights for passing and such. These suckers were bright !
So I set about coding the high beam lights to actually be usable as high beam headlights. Amazing difference. Here is how its done :
This is from Overboost on the xoutpost site
Coding Highbeams
This is how it would work for the E53. But not all E53 will have this line. I don’t have it in my LCM C.22 module. C.18, C.19, C.20, C.21 and C.22 don not have this line. Only C.23 and C.24 modules have this line and will be able to activate this feature.
Open this page, download NCS Dummy, and download the NCS Dummy profile (choose the correct one for your version of NCS Expert) Extract the .PFL file to C:\NCSEXPER\PFL Extract NCS Dummy to a folder of your choosing.
Go to C:\NCSEXPER\WORK. Create a blank text document, and save it as “FSW_PSW.MAN” in that folder Launch NCS Expert Choose Revtor’s NCS Expert Profile (label might vary, but should be something to that effect) Click FG/ZCS/FA, click ZCS/FA f. ECU, Choose E53 Chassis and load EWS . (This should come back with your VIN number , GM, SA and VA Click Back
Click Process ECU and select the LCM
Click Reading ECU, wait a couple seconds and it should finish reading (if a window with a bunch of numbers opens up, close that) Take note of the line under “JOBNAME: CODIERDATEN_LESEN”. You should see LCM.C## (where the #s are numbers in your case).
Launch NCS Dummy (don’t close NCS Expert) Under Chassis pick E53 Under Module, pick the one that matches your LCM (LCM.C##) For “FSW/PSW or Nettodata Trace 1”, click the arrow next to “browse”, and click “Load FSW_PSW.TRC”
Click the magnifying glass button in the bottom right In the “Find” Window, type in “PWM_FL_BIX”, hit Find Next, and close the window You’ll see that same parameter highlighted in the main window. “wert_02” will be checked. Check “wert_01”
Click “Export FSW/PSW”
Go back to NCS Expert
Change the job type to “SG_CODIEREN”
Click “Execute Job”
Halogen highbeams with BiXenon highbeams lights should now be enabled