So far so good. WordPress has turned out to be fun and non stressful so I’m actually enjoying working on the site for a change.
I have the framework laid down so to speak. Still a bit more work on the pets section to go. The computer section lacks my entire antique computer collection so that’s a bunch to go there. Vehicle wise I have most of my cars and trucks entered in that now. Still a bunch more to go with subsections on those.
Also I haven’t added my antique cars yet. The 1970 Ford Falcon needs new pictures to get it added. The 1967 case backhoe section needs doing.
Next new area to add is general photos. I’m going to add mostly photos of the area I live in to that. I live in a very rural area with some really nice scenery so I would like to setup something for that.
Well till next time, thanks for stopping by.